Preparation of Statement of Work for Process Control System

A Statement of Work (SOW) for a Process Control System is the final stage of the initial phase of a project. It is a road map of the project that defines the relationship between the customer and the contractor.

An SOW for the development of an automation system is based on functional requirements, which present the main challenge at this stage. An SOW is primarily aimed at collecting and organizing the functional requirements to the system and at formulating a comprehensive task to realise them.

Apart from functionality, an SOW is supposed to outline other important requirements, such as:

  • what structure the system should have and how it should function;
  • how many operations and maintenance personnel the system takes and what competences are required;
  • how the system should be protected from unauthorized access;
  • what kind of mathware, inforware, software, hardware, etc. is required;
  • what should be included in the pre-commissioning scope;
  • what logging requirements there should be.

Any amendments, additions or corrections to SOW are agreed with and approved by the customer.

The original assignment is issued by the customer. The main reasons why the customer comes to the developer can be the lack of competence or limited resources, such as time, manpower or equipment.

A properly prepared SOW is the key to success. That is why only lead specialists are involved in the SOW preparation, who work closely with the customer. An SOW is usually based on initial inspection data, feasibility study and so on.