Automation activities and operation of the enterprise

Automation of the enterprise activity means creation of unified information system, which is required for multiple processes. Among them: building relations with customers and consumers, receiving unified information environment, financial and budget management, monitoring sales and purchases of new equipment and supplies, stock control, cost calculations, etc . Within automation process specialists of ZAO «KonsOM SKS» can provide you with all listed above.

In general, it refers to automation of the entire enterprise. Automation of the enterprise activity requires special software. Composed terms of reference ensure full implementation of all tasks, conceived by user. All components of this system operate on client-server principle. It means existence of a single database. Private user can “connect” it only if he has access rights. In this case for proper execution of business processes all subsystems within composition need to have online access to the entire information base.

Automation of enterprise activity implemented by ZAO «KonsOM SKS» goes by the following procedure:

  1. Pre-project inspection;
  2. Qualitative technical assignment;
  3. Software commissioning.

After that, all employees get instructions about new system product. At the end of implementation cycle company guarantees maintenance of software, so customer will receive exact result that was planned.