The system of vibration control equipment

Now companies from variety of areas: oil and gas industry, power engineering, chemical plants, transport sector and etc; need to have permanently installed vibration monitoring system for its equipment. ZAO «KonsOM SKS» has its own laboratory of non-destructive testing, so it can provide all services for implementation of permanently installed vibration monitoring system at the enterprise.

Vibration monitoring systems have stationary installed vibration sensors and amplifiers, data processing and storing units, wherein data is collected continuous. Purpose of vibration monitoring systems is to promptly detect deviations and to fix error before it will affect quality of work output.

Functions of ZAO «KonsOM SKS» permanently installed vibration monitoring system – is to monitor information received from vibration sensors and related automatic process control systems. This includes continuous control of any vibration parameters, forming database of technological parameters. And also – tracking vibration anomalies, construction of a user-friendly diagrams, as well as integration with APCS operating systems.